Faculty Members

Bioinformatics Course

Ken Aoshima

Ken Aoshima iD

Data & AI Lead,
Microbes & Host Defense Domain, DHBL,
Eisai Co., Ltd.

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Data Science, Bioinformatics
  1. Biomarker discovery, drug MOA(mode of action) elucidation, and drug discovery hypothesis creation through handling and visualization of various omics data such as genomics and integrated analysis with clinical data.
  2. Acceleration of data-driven drug discovery utilizing advanced analysis technology such as artificial intelligence (AI).
  3. Elucidation of unmet medical needs and discovery of new drug targets through handling and visualization of real-world data including receipt data, advanced pharmacoepidemiologic approaches, and medical statistical analysis.
Itoshi Nikaido

Itoshi Nikaido iD researchmap

Team Leader HP
Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research,
RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Genome Science, Bioinformatics
Hiroshi Masuya

Hiroshi Masuya iD researchmap

Head HP
Integrated Bioresource Information Division,
RIKEN BioResource Research Center

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Bioinformatics and data integration
Tsuyoshi Miyazaki

Tsuyoshi Miyazaki iD researchmap

Group Leader/MANA Principal Investigator HP
Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA)

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Electronic Structure Calculation

Food Innovation Course

Hiroko Isoda

Hiroko Isoda iD TRIOS researchmap

Professor HP
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Research field: Food Functionality
Kenichi Kashiwagi

Kenichi Kashiwagi iD TRIOS researchmap

Professor HP
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Research field: Development Economics, Economy of Middle East and North Africa
Akifumi Ikehata

Akifumi Ikehata iD researchmap

Group leader HP
Analytical Evaluation Group, Institute of Food Research, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, NARO

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Analytical Chemistry, Food Science, Physical Chemistry
Susumu Kawasaki

Susumu Kawasaki researchmap

Senior Researcher HP
Food Research Institute, NARO

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Food Microbiology/Food Hygiene Laboratory
Isao Kobayashi

Isao Kobayashi iD researchmap

Principal Researcher HP
Food Research Institute, NARO

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Multiscale Food Engineering
Masatomo Kobayashi

Masatomo Kobayashi iD researchmap

Head HP
Experimental Plant Division, RIKEN BRC

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Science and Technology of Plant Resources
Shinya Takahashi

Shinya Takahashi iD TRIOS researchmap

Associate Professor, Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Research field: Physiological analysis on plant-delivered functional compounds
Yuko Kusakabe

Yuko Kusakabe iD researchmap

Deputy Leader HP
Food Research Institute, NARO


Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Food Science, Molecular physiology
Satoshi Fukumitsu

Satoshi Fukumitsu

Team Manager, Research Planning Center,NIPPN CORPORATION 

Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Development of Functional Food Ingredients and Study on Food Functionality

Environmental Management Course

Iwane Suzuki

Iwane Suzuki iD TRIOS researchmap

Professor HP
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Research field: Functional Regulation of Photosynthesis
Mitsuko Aono

Mitsuko Aono iD researchmap

Deputy director HP
Biodiversity Division, NIES

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Mechanism of stress response in Plants
Yoshihito Ohmura

Yoshihito Ohmura iD researchmap

Head of the Division HP
Division of Fungi and Algae, Department of Botany,
National Museum of Nature and Science

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Taxonomy-based lichenology and its interdisciplinary applications

Noriaki Kawano researchmap

Section head HP
Breeding and Physiology Laboratory
Tsukuba Division, Research Center for Medicinal Plant Resources, NIBIOHN

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Pharmacognosy and Natural Product Chemistry
Masatomo Kobayashi

Masatomo Kobayashi iD researchmap

Head HP
Experimental Plant Division,

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Science and Technology of Plant Resources
Tomoya Tsuji

Tomoya Tsuji iD

Professor HP
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineering
Masanori Nakae

Masanori NakaeiD researchmap

Senior Curator HP
Division of Vertebrates,
Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Fish Morphology, Fish Diversity
Kayo Yoshimatsu

Kayo Yoshimatsu researchmap

Director HP
Research Center for Medicinal Plant Resources, NIBIOHN

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Biotechnology for Medicinal Plants
Hirofumi Hara

Hirofumi Hara iD

Project Professor HP
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,
The University of Tokyo

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: The tropics environmental microbiology
Hirotaka Matsuo

Hirotaka Matsuo researchmap

Head HP
Research Center for Medicinal Plant Resources, NIBIOHN

Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Natural Product Chemistry, Pharmacognosy
Ryo Miyazaki

Ryo Miyazaki iD researchmap

Group Leader HP
Bioproduction Research Institute, AIST

Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors
University of Tsukuba

Research field:Microbial ecology
Shinya Takahashi

Shinya Takahashi iD TRIOS researchmap

Course Coordinator of T-LSI (Food Innovation Course)

Associate Professor, Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Research field: Physiological analysis on plant-delivered functional compounds

Biomolecular Engineering Course

Tsunenori Kameda

Tsunenori Kameda iD researchmap

Group Leader HP
Silk Materials Research Group,
Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NARO

Professor , School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Silk Materials Research
  1. Fundamental research on relation between the structure and properties of silk proteins
  2. Development of various fabrication processes for formation of innovative silk materials with different characteristics
  3. Commercialize the various unutilized silk produced by insects other than silkworm as new material.
Shinji Sugiura

Shinji Sugiura iD researchmap

Chief Senior Researcher HP
Drug Assay Device Research Group,
Biotechnology Research Institute for Drug Discovery, AIST

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Biochemical Engineering
Kimio Sumaru

Kimio Sumaru iD researchmap

Group Leader HP
Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute,

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Bio-functional Polymers, Photo-responsive Biomaterials
Yuji Teramura

Yuji Teramura iD researchmap

Chief Senior Researcher HP
Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute(CMB),

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Bio-functional Polymers, Biomaterial Engineering, polymer chemistry, cell engineering, transplantation therapy
Hidetoshi Teramoto

Hidetoshi Teramoto iD researchmap

Deputy Leader HP
Silk Materials Research Group,
Division of Silk-Producing Insect Biotechnology, Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NARO

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Silk Materials Engineering
Shuichiro Tomita

Shuichiro Tomita iD researchmap

Leader HP
New Silk Research Unit,
Division of Biotechnology, Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NARO

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Developmental Biology and Physiology of Insect
Shunsuke Tomita

Shunsuke Tomita iD researchmap

Chief Senior Researcher HP
Nano-biodevice Research Group,
Health and Medical Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Bioanalytical Chemistry, Protein Science, Polymer Science, Phase-Separation Biology
Hidehiko Hirakawa

Hidehiko Hirakawa iD TRIOS researchmap

Course Coordinator of T-LSI (Biomolecular Engineering Course)

Associate Professor HP
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Enzyme Engineering, Protein Engineering

Disease Mechanism Course

Masashi Yanagisawa

Masashi Yanagisawa iD TRIOS researchmap

Director and Professor HP
International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine, University of Tsukuba

Research field: Neuroscience of Sleep
Shinji Saiki

Shinji Saiki iD TRIOS researchmap

Professor HP
Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba

Research field:Research on early diagnosis and the development of therapeutic drugs for Parkinson’s disease
Yasuyuki Kida

Yasuyuki KidaiD researchmap

Group leader HP Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute
Stem Cell Biotechnology Research Group
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors
University of Tsukuba

Research field:stem-cell biotechnology
  1. Developing technology for the reconstruction of in vitro organ networks using human pluripotent stem cells.
  2. Elucidation of the metabolism mechanisms of cancer to overcome the intractability of solid tumours.
  3. Development of pivotal technologies for disease research and the discovery of medicines using stem cells.
Atsushi Kuno

Atsushi KunoiD researchmap

Research Group leader HP Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute
Molecular &Cellular Glycoproteomics Research Group

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors
University of Tsukuba

Research field:Medical glycoscience and glycotechnology
Yoshihiro Miwa

Yoshihiro Miwa iD researchmap

Organizer HP
Gene Engineering Division, RIKEN BioResource Research Center

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors, University of Tsukuba

Research field: Bioimaging, Gene Bank
Atsushi Yoshiki

Atsushi Yoshiki iD researchmap

Head HP
Experimental Animal Division, RIKEN BRC

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Bioresource Science for Laboratory Mouse

Drug Discovery Course

Tsuyoshi Saito

Tsuyoshi Saitoh iD TRIOS researchmap

Associate Professor
Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba

Principal Investigator HP
International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (IIIS), University of Tsukuba

Research field:Medicinal Chemistry
Tetsuya Sakurai

Tetsuya Sakurai iD TRIOS researchmap

Director HP
Center for Artificial Intelligence Research, University of Tsukuba

Professor, Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba

Research field: Computational Algorithms
  1. Mathematical methods for data analysis
  2. High performance algorithms on large-scale scientific simulations
  3. Eigenvalue analysis

Selected Publications:

  1. “Distributed collaborative feature selection based on intermediate representation”, Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19) 2019, accepted.
  2. “Complex moment-based supervised eigenmap for dimensionality reduction”, Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19) 2019, accepted.
  3. “Spectral feature scaling method for supervised dimensionality reduction”, Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) 2018, 2560-2566.
Takahshi Arimura

Takashi Arimura iD researchmap

Invited Research Scholar
AIST・Univ. of Tsukuba Open Innovation Laboratory for Food and Medical Resource Engineering, AIST

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field:Synthetic Organic Chemistry / Supramolecule
  1. Functionalization and development of plant resources
  2. Creation of allosteric systems in response to external stimuli
  3. Molecular Robotics: Gellular particles that self-assemble and communicate with one another, realizing cellular automata
Noriki Kutsumura

Noriki Kutsumura iD TRIOS researchmap

Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences (Chemistry), University of Tsukuba

Research field: Organic Synthetic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry
  1. Design and synthesis of orexin receptor ligands regulating sleep/wakefulness
  2. Synthesis of biologically active nitrogen-containing heterocycles
  3. Studies on chemoselective reaction useful for drug discovery
Shinji Sugiura

Shinji Sugiura iD researchmap

Deputy Laboratory Leader HP
AIST-INDIA DAILAB (Diverse Assets & Applications International Laboratory),
Biotechnology Research Institute for Drug Discovery, AIST

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Biochemical Engineering
Kimio Sumaru

Kimio Sumaru iD researchmap

Group Leader HP
Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute,

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Bio-functional Polymers, Photo-responsive Biomaterials
Ken-ichi Tominaga

Ken-ichi Tominaga iD researchmap

Deputy Director
Laboratory for Food and Medicinal Resource Engineering (FoodMed-OIL), AIST

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field:Chemistry of catalysis
Makoto Miyagishi

Makoto Miyagishi iD researchmap

Group Leader HP
Molecular Composite Physiology Research Group,
Health and Medical Research Institute, AIST

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Nucleic Acids Medicine
Toru Yoshitomi

Toru YoshitomiiD

Principle Researcher HP
Tissue Regeneration Materials Group, Research Center for Macromolecules and Biomaterials, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)

Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Medical materials, Biomaterials for life science
Kounosuke Oisaki

Kounosuke Oisaki iD researchmap

Senior Researcher HP
Interdisciplinary Research Center for Catalytic Chemistry (IRC3),


Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Homogeneous Catalysis, Peptide/Protein Chemistry
Naohiro Noda

Naohiro NodaiD

Group Leader HP
Bio-analytical Research Group, Biomedical Research Institute, AIST

Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba

Research field: Bioengineering, Bio-analytical technology
Yusaku Miyamae

Yusaku Miyamae iD TRIOS researchmap

Course Coordinator of T-LSI (Drug Discovery Course)

Associate Professor HP
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Research field: Chemical Biology