- Faculty Members
- Professors from
Universities Abroad - Faculty Voices
- Alumnus Voices 1
- Alumnus Voices 2
- Bioinfomatics
- Food Innovation
- Environmental Management
- Biomolecular Engineering
- Disease Mechanism
- Drug Discovery
Faculty Members
Bioinformatics Course

Tetsuya Sakurai iD TRIOS researchmap
Director HP
Center for Artificial Intelligence Research,
University of Tsukuba
Professor, Institute of Systems and Information Engineering,
University of Tsukuba
- Mathematical methods for data analysis
- High performance algorithms on large-scale scientific simulations
- Eigenvalue analysis

Selected Publications:
- “Distributed collaborative feature selection based on intermediate representation”, Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19) 2019, 4142-4149.
- “Complex moment-based supervised eigenmap for dimensionality reduction”, Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19) 2019, 3910-3918.
- “Spectral feature scaling method for supervised dimensionality reduction”, Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) 2018, 2560-2566.

Hotaka Takizawa iD TRIOS researchmap
Professor HP
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering University of Tsukuba
Academic Computing and Communications Center, University of Tsukuba
Selected Publications:
- “Kinect cane: an assistive system for the visually impaired based on the concept of object recognition aid Personal and Ubiquitous Computing”, Springer 2015, Vol.19, No.5-6, pp.955-965.
- “Segmentation of cervical intervertebral disks in videofluorography by CNN, multi channelization and feature selection International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery”, Springer 2020,Vol.15, No.4, pp.1-8.
- “Preprocessing Optimization and Semantic Segmentation for Extraction of Cervical Intervertebral Disks from Videofluorography Proceedings of 2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)”, IEEE, Part A: Civil Engineering 2022,pp.4948-4952.

Ken Aoshima iD
Data & AI Lead,
Microbes & Host Defense Domain, DHBL,
Eisai Co., Ltd.
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Biomarker discovery, drug MOA(mode of action) elucidation, and drug discovery hypothesis creation through handling and visualization of various omics data such as genomics and integrated analysis with clinical data.
- Acceleration of data-driven drug discovery utilizing advanced analysis technology such as artificial intelligence (AI).
- Elucidation of unmet medical needs and discovery of new drug targets through handling and visualization of real-world data including receipt data, advanced pharmacoepidemiologic approaches, and medical statistical analysis.
Selected Publications:
- “A Deep Learning Algorithm for Sleep Stage Scoring in Mice Based on a Multimodal Network with Fine-Tuning Technique.”, Neuroscience Research, 2021, 173, 99–105.
- “Database analysis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and treatment flow in early and advanced stages.” Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 2019, 7(4):e00486, 8pages.
- “Identification of Prognostic Factors to Predict Cognitive Decline of Patients with Early Alzheimer’s Disease in the Japanese Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Study.” Alzheimer’s Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 2019, 5(1), 364-373.

Itoshi Nikaido iD researchmap
Team Leader HP
Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research,
RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- A development of novel bioinformatics techniques for genome science

Selected Publications:
- “CellFishing.jl: an ultrafast and scalable cell search method for single-cell RNA sequencing”, Genome Biology 2019, 20 (1), 31.
- “Quartz-Seq2: a high-throughput single-cell RNA-sequencing method that effectively uses limited sequence reads”, Genome Biology 2018, 19 (1), 29.
- “Single-cell full-length total RNA sequencing uncovers dynamics of recursive splicing and enhancer RNAs”, Nature Communications 2018, 9 (1), 619.

Hiroshi Masuya iD researchmap
Head HP
Integrated Bioresource Information Division,
RIKEN BioResource Research Center
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Data integration and standardization of bioresource-related information
- Development of homepage contents for communication tool for bioresource-related information
- Development of methodology of the big-data analysis and data visualization

Selected Publications:
- “An atlas of evidence-based phenotypic associations across the mouse phenome.”, Sci. Rep. 2020, 10, 3957.
- “RIKEN MetaDatabase: A Database Platform for Health Care and Life Sciences as a Microcosm of Linked Open Data Cloud.”, Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst. 2018, 14(1), 140-164.
- “Identification of genetic elements in metabolism by high-throughput mouse phenotyping.”, Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 288.

Tsuyoshi Miyazaki iD researchmap
Group Leader/MANA Principal Investigator HP
Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA)
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- First-principles calculation
- Molecular simulation
- Computational Materials Science

Selected Publications:
- “Efficient Calculation of Electronic Structure Using O(N) Density Functional Theory”, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2017, 13 (9), 4146-4153.
- “Density-functional theory study of gramicidin A ion channel geometry and electronic properties”, Journal of The Royal Society Interface 2013, 10 (89), 20130547.
- “O(N) methods in electronic structure calculations”, Reports on Progress in Physics 2012, 75 (3), 036503.

Yasunori Futamura iD TRIOS researchmap
Course Coordinator of T-LSI (Bioinformatics Course)
Associate Professor
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba
- Parallel algorithms for numerical linear algebra
- High-performance graph algorithm
- Dimensionality reduction and clustering
Selected Publications:
- “Structural analysis based on unsupervised learning: Search for a characteristic low-dimensional space by local structures in atomistic simulations”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2022, 105 (7), 075107.
- “Spectral Graph Partitioning Using Geodesic Distance-based Projection”, IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC) 2021, 1-7.
- “Spectral anomaly detection in large graphs using a complex moment-based eigenvalue solver”, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering 2020, 6 (2), 040200102.

Ye Xiucai iD TRIOS researchmap
Associate Professor
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba
- Machine learning algorithms
- Gene expression data analysis
- Intelligent drug discovery
Selected Publications:
- “Interactive gene identification for cancer subtyping based on multi-omics clustering”, Methods , 2023, 211, 61-67.
- “Distributed Collaborative Feature Selection Based on Intermediate Representation”, IJCAI, 2019, 4142-4149.
- “Multiview network embedding for drug-target Interactions prediction by consistent and complementary information preserving”, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022, 23 (3), 1-13.
Food Innovation Course

Hiroko Isoda iD TRIOS researchmap
Professor HP
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Food functionality and effective utilization of food resources
- Bioactive components of functional food and their cosmetic seeds
- Environmental risk assessment/Development of environmental risk assessment protocols
Selected Publications:
- “Olive leaf tea may have hematological health benefit over green tea”, Clinical Nutrition 2019, 38 (6), 2952-2955.
- “Modulation of the neurotransmitter systems through the anti-inflammatory and antidepressant-like effects of squalene from Aurantiochytrium sp.”, PLOS ONE 2019, 14 (6), e0218923.
- “Depigmenting effect of argan press-cake extract through the down-regulation of Mitf and melanogenic enzymes expression in B16 murine melanoma cells”, Cytotechnology 2018, 70 (5), 1389-1397.

Kenichi Kashiwagi iD TRIOS researchmap
Professor HP
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Mechanism of productivity and technological progress in agro-food industry
- Analysis on development of agro-food clusters based on promotion of local industries
- Analysis on innovative agro-food value chain

Selected Publications:
- “Technical Efficiency of Olive-growing Farms in the Northern West Bank of Palestine”, Sustainable Agriculture Research 2017, 6(1), 125-140.
- “Technical efficiency of olive oil firms under the industrial upgrading programme in Tunisia”, New Medit: A Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment 2016, 15(4), 10-20.
- “Productivity Growth and Technological Progress in the Palestinian Economy: Empirical Evidence from the West Bank”, Advances in Management & Applied Economics 2016, 6(1), 69-88.

Akifumi Ikehata iD researchmap
Group leader HP
Analytical Evaluation Group, Institute of Food Research, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, NARO
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Development of data-driven science by integrating nondestructive spectroscopy and multi-omics
- Development of non-invasive bio-spectroscopic analysis methods
- Application of spectroscopic methods to food analysis

Selected Publications:
- “The relationship between perceived freshness and water content of cabbage leaves: A near infrared imaging survey of substance distribution underlying product appearance”, LWT 2021, 139, 110523.
- “An examination of the principle of non-destructive flesh firmness measurement of peach fruit by using VIS-NIR spectroscopy”, Heliyon 2018, 4(2), e00531.
- “Identification of informative bands in the short-wavelength NIR region for non-invasive blood glucose measurement “, Biomedical Optics Express 2016, 7 (7), 2729-2737.

Susumu Kawasaki researchmap
Senior Researcher HP
Food Research Institute, NARO
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Evaluation and control of the risk of foodborne pathogens and spoilage bacteria in foods
- Development and evaluation of rapid detection method for foodborne pathogens
- Prevalence of foodborne pathogens in retailed foods
Selected Publications:
- “Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157 and Salmonella Enteritidis in raw beef liver by gamma irradiation”, Food Microbiology 2019, 78, 110-113.
- “Predictive Modeling for the Growth of Salmonella Enteritidis in Chicken Juice by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction”, Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2018, 15 (7), 406-412.
- “Evaluation of TA10 Broth for Recovery of Listeria monocytogenes from Ground Beef”, Journal of AOAC International 2017, 100 (2), 470-473.

Isao Kobayashi iD researchmap
Principal Researcher HP
Food Research Institute, NARO
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Development of production technology of monodisperse emulsions using micro/nanochannel emulsification
- Design and development of food-grade microcapsules loaded with bioactives
- Development and applications of human gastrointestinal digestion simulators for foods
Selected Publications:
- “Asymmetric straight-through microchannel arrays made of aluminum for producing monodisperse O/W emulsions”, Particulate Science and Technology 2019, 2020, 38 (6), 747-755, Published online 2019.
- “Microchannel emulsification: A promising technique towards encapsulation of functional compounds”, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2017, 58 (14), 2364-2385.
- “Development and Fundamental Characteristics of a Human Gastric Digestion Simulator for Analysis of Food Disintegration”, Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ 2017, 51 (1), 17-25.

Masatomo Kobayashi iD researchmap
Head HP
Experimental Plant Division, RIKEN BRC
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Development of innovative resources and technologies of model plants that contributes the promotion of plant science
- Improvement of technologies for crop protection by using model plant resources and information
- Study on the environmental responses of plant using natural variation of model plant, Arabidopsis
Selected Publications:
- “Involvement of phosphatidylinositol metabolism in aluminum-induced malate secretion in Arabidopsis”, Journal of Experimental Botany 2019, 70 (12), 3329–3342.
- “STOP1 regulates the expression of HsfA2 and GDHs that are critical for low-oxygen tolerance in Arabidopsis”, Journal of Experimental Botany 2019, 70 (12), 3297–3311.
- “Genome-wide Association Study Reveals that the Aquaporin NIP1;1 Contributes to Variation in Hydrogen Peroxide Sensitivity in Arabidopsis thaliana”, Molecular Plant 2017, 10 (8), 1082-1094.

Shinya Takahashi iD TRIOS researchmap
Associate Professor, Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Research field: Physiological analysis on plant-delivered functional compounds
- Utilization of a plant growth regulator to increase the productivity of functional compounds
- Studies on anti-inflammatory action of ingredients derived from natural products
- Studies on bioactivity of plant-derived components using mammalian cultured cells
Selected Publications:
- “Effect of prohydrojasmon on total phenolic content, anthocyanin accumulation and antioxidant activity in komatsuna and lettuce”, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 2020, 84(1)176-184.
- “Human Amniotic Epithelial Cells as a Tool to Investigate the Effects of Cyanidin 3-O-Glucoside on Cell Differentiation ;, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021, 22, 3768.
- “Ethanol Extract of Aurantiochytrium mangrovei 18W-13a Strain Possesses Anti-inflammatory Effects on Murine Macrophage RAW264 Cells”, Frontiers in Physiology 2018, 9, 1205.

Marcos Antonio Das NEVES iD TRIOS
Associate Professor researchmap
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Food nanotechnology
- Development of functional foods
- Food emulsions as bioactives delivery systems

Selected Publications:
- “Assessment of Oxidative Stability in Fish Oil-in-Water Emulsions: Effect of Emulsification Process, Droplet Size and Storage Temperature”, Journal of Food Process Engineering 2015, 40 (1), e12316.
- “Antimicrobial Oil-in-Water Nanoemulsions: Synergistic Effect of Nisin and Carvacrol against Bacillus subtilis”, Journal of Food Science and Engineering 2016, 6 (2), 63-74.
- “Development of novel bioactives delivery systems by micro/nanotechnology”, Current Opinion in Food Science 2015, 1, 7-12.

Yuko Kusakabe iD researchmap
Deputy Leader HP
Food Research Institute, NARO
Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Research on the receptor mechanisms of taste and oral sensations
- Research on physiological responses to oral sensation
- Research on the sensory fluctuations during feeding
elected Publications:
- “Distinct Human and Mouse Membrane Trafficking Systems for Sweet Taste Receptors T1r2 and T1r3;, PLOS ONE 2014, 9 (7), e100425.
- “Evaluation of Taste Solutions with or without Aromas Based on the Relationship between Individual Resting and Stimulated Salivation”, Food Science and Technology Research 2020, 26(3), 451-457.
- “Relationships between the response of the sweet taste receptor, salivation toward sweeteners, and sweetness intensity”, Food Science & Nutrition 2021, 9 (2), 719-727.

Satoshi Fukumitsu
Team Manager, Research Planning Center,NIPPN CORPORATION
Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
Research field: Development of Functional Food Ingredients and Study on Food Functionality
- Development and practical application of manufacturing processes for functional food ingredients
- Evaluation of health functions of functional food components and study on their mechanisms
- Exploration of components and compounds from natural sources that contribute to health
- “Rosemary extract activates oligodendrogenesis genes in mouse brain and improves learning and memory ability”, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2024, 179, 117350.
- “A Descriptive Whole-Genome Transcriptomics Study in a Stem Cell-Based Tool Predicts Multiple Tissue-Specific Beneficial Potential and Molecular Targets of Carnosic Acid”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023, 24 (9), 8077.
- “Maslinic Acid Attenuates Denervation-Induced Loss of Skeletal Muscle Mass and Strength”, Nutrients2021, 13, 2950.

Farhana Ferdousi iD TRIOS researchmap
Course Coordinator of T-LSI (Food Innovation Course)
Assistant Professor, Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Research field: Omics research and Clinical trial/Intervention study
- Omics research
- Clinical trial/Intervention study
Selected Publications:
- “A Descriptive Whole-Genome Transcriptomics Study in a Stem Cell-Based Tool Predicts Multiple Tissue-Specific Beneficial Potential and Molecular Targets of Carnosic Acid”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2013, 24 (9), 8077.
- “Antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like activities of Rosmarinus officinalis extract in rodent models: Involvement of oxytocinergic system”, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2021, 144:112291.
- “Olive leaf tea may have hematological health benefit over green tea”, Clinical Nutrition 2019, 38(6), 2952-2955.
Environmental Management Course

Iwane Suzuki iD TRIOS researchmap
Professor HP
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Interaction of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in microalgae
- Mechanisms for acclimation to environmental conditions of photosynthetic activity
- Biochemical and molecular biological studies in biomass production in microalgae

Selected Publications:
- “Cold-regulated genes under control of the cold sensor Hik33 in Synechocystis”, Molecular Microbiology 2001, 40 (1), 235-244.
- “The pathway for perception and transduction of low-temperature signals in Synechocystis”, The EMBO Journal 2000, 19 (6), 1327-1334.
- “Genetic engineering of the unsaturation of fatty acids in membrane lipids alters the tolerance of Synechocystis to salt stress”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1999, 96 (10), 5862-5867.

Kenji Tamura iD TRIOS researchmap
Professor HP
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Analysis of soil microelements
- Mechanism of High quality soils

Selected Publications:
- “Interregional traceability of Tunisian olive oils to the provenance soil by multielemental fingerprinting and chemometrics”, Food Chemistry 2019, 283, 656-664.
- “Six-year monitoring of the vertical distribution of radiocesium in three forest soils after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident”, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2018, 192, 172-180.
- “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Scent of Soil on Human Beings”, Open Journal of Soil Science 2017, 07 (09), 235-244.

Mitsuko Aono iD researchmap
Deputy director HP
Biodiversity Division, NIES
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Molecular-biological studies on effect of tropospheric ozone and other stress factors on plants in global environmental changes
- Dynamics of genetically-modified crops in the wild

Selected Publications:
- “Ozone-Sensitive Arabidopsis Mutants with Deficiencies in Photorespiratory Enzymes”, Plant and Cell Physiology 2017, 58 (5), 914-924.
- “Seeds of a Possible Natural Hybrid between Herbicide-Resistant Brassica napus and Brassica rapa Detected on a Riverbank in Japan”, GM Crops 2011, 2 (3), 201-210.
- “Disruption of a Gene Encoding C4-Dicarboxylate Transporter-Like Protein Increases Ozone Sensitivity Through Deregulation of the Stomatal Response in Arabidopsis thaliana”, Plant and Cell Physiology 2008, 49 (1), 2-10.

Moriya Ohkuma researchmap
Head HP
Microbe Division (Japan Collection of Microorganisms),
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Genomics and bioresources of yet-uncultured microbial diversity
- Molecular microbial ecology of microbial symbionts
- Taxonomy and systematics of diverse microorganisms

Selected Publications:
- “Isolation and characterization of a thermophilic sulfur- and iron-reducing thaumarchaeote from a terrestrial acidic hot spring”, The ISME Journal, 2019, 13 (10), 2465–2474.
- “Lactococcus reticulitermitis sp. nov., isolated from the gut of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes speratus”, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2018, 68 (2), 596-601.
- “Acetogenesis from H2plus CO2and nitrogen fixation by an endosymbiotic spirochete of a termite-gut cellulolytic protist”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2015, 112 (33), 10224-10230.

Yoshihito Ohmura iD researchmap
Head of the Division HP
Division of Fungi and Algae, Department of Botany,
National Museum of Nature and Science
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Lichen biodiversity in Japan and the related regions of As
- Relationship between lichens and changes in the atmospheric environment
- Evolutionary relationship between mycobiont and photobiont in lichens
Selected Publications:
- “Contribution to the Knowledge of the Lichen Mycota of Myanmar (I) Twenty Species Newly Recorded from Southern Myanmar”, Taiwania 2020,65(4), 548-558.
- “137Cs concentrations in foliose lichens within Tsukuba-city as a reflection of radioactive fallout from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident”, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2015, 141, 38-43.
- “Photobiont diversity within populations of a vegetatively reproducing lichen, Parmotrema tinctorum, can be generated by photobiont switching”, Symbiosis 2019, 77, 59-72.

Noriaki Kawano researchmap
Section head HP
Breeding and Physiology Laboratory
Tsukuba Division, Research Center for Medicinal Plant Resources, NIBIOHN
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Analysis of genetic diversity of medicinal plants and crude drugs
- Conservation and propagation of medicinal plant resources
- Construction of Comprehensive Medicinal Plant Database (MPDB)
Selected Publications:
- “Isolation of Artemisia capillaris membrane-bound di-prenyltransferase for phenylpropanoids and redesign of artepillin C in yeast”, Commun Biol , 2, 384 (2019).
- “Studies on the Cultivation of Alisma orientale . III Cultivation in the Paddy Field on Iriomote Island”, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacognosy , 72 (1), 8-14 (2018).
- “Total biosynthesis of opiates by stepwise fermentation using engineered Escherichia coli “, Nature communications , 7, 10390 (2016).

Masanori Kikuchi iD researchmap
Group leader HP
Bioceramics Group, Research Center for Macromolecules and Biomaterials, NIMS
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Ceramics in medicine
- Application of bio-derived minerals
- Biomimetic materials

Selected Publications:
- “Preparation of anti-decay self-setting pastes of hydroxyapatite/collagen utilizing (3-glycidoxypropyl)trimethoxysilane”, Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies 2018, 6 (4), 322-331.
- “Reactivity Improvement of Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate with Fluoride for Its Removal from Waste and Drinking Water”, Universal Journal of Materials Science 2016, 4 (3), 60-64.
- “Self-organization mechanism in a bone-like hydroxyapatite/collagen nanocomposite synthesized in vitro and its biological reaction in vivo”, Biomaterials 2001, 22 (13), 1705-1711.

Masatomo Kobayashi iD researchmap
Head HP
Experimental Plant Division,
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Development of innovative resources and technologies of model plants that contributes the promotion of plant science
- Improvement of technologies for crop protection by using model plant resources and information
- Study on the environmental responses of plant using natural variation of model plant, Arabidopsis
Selected Publications:
- “Involvement of phosphatidylinositol metabolism in aluminum-induced malate secretion in Arabidopsis”, Journal of Experimental Botany , in press.
- “STOP1 regulates the expression of HsfA2 and GDHs that are critical for low-oxygen tolerance in Arabidopsis”, Journal of Experimental Botany , in press.
- “Genome-wide Association Study Reveals that the Aquaporin NIP1;1 Contributes to Variation in Hydrogen Peroxide Sensitivity in Arabidopsis thaliana”, Molecular Plant 2017, 10 (8), 1082-1094.

Tomoya Tsuji iD
Professor HP
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Phase Equilibrium for the system containing spray propellant
- Measurement and prefiction of solubility of inorganic gases in organic compounds
- Therimophysical properties of dimethyl ether

Selected Publications:
- “Measurement and prediction of bubble point pressure of a novel solvent with propellant for color spray”, Fluid Phase Equilibria 2020, 505, 112366.
- “Gas solubilities of nitrogen or oxygen in benzene, divinylbenzene, styrene and of an equimolar (N2:O2) mixture in styrene at (293–313) K”, Fluid Phase Equilibria , 2019, 492, 34-40.
- “SO2 Solubility in Low Molecular Weight Polyethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether and Correlation using Cubic Equation of State”, Journal of Solution Chemistry 2019, 48, 1035-1045.

Masanori NakaeiD researchmap
Senior Curator HP
Division of Vertebrates,
Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Study on morphological changes of the lateral line system of captive-bred fishes
- Evolution and adaptation of fishes focusing on the lateral line system
Selected Publications:
- “Effects of domestication and captive breeding on reaction to moving objects: implications for avoidance behaviours of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou“, Royal Society Open Science 2024, 10: 230045.
- “Domestication of captive-bred masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou masou (Salmonidae) leads to a significant decrease in numbers of lateral line organs”, Scientific Reports, 2022, 12, 16780.
- “The lateral line system and its innervation in the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica (Teleostei: Elopomorpha: Anguillidae)”, Journal of Morphology 2021, 28, 6, 863-873.

Kayo Yoshimatsu researchmap
Director HP
Research Center for Medicinal Plant Resources, NIBIOHN
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Micropropagation of medicinal plants through tissue culture
- Transformation of medicinal plants
- Production of medicinal plants in plant factory
Selected Publications:
- “Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of Glycyrrhiza uralensis root extracts produced using artificial hydroponic-field hybrid cultivation systems II: comparison of serum concentration of glycyrrhetinic acid serum concentration in mice”, Journal of Natural Medicines 2019, 73 (3), 661-666.
- “Mutagenetic and anti-allergic studies for evaluation of extracts of Coptis Rhizome produced by an artificial hydroponic system”, Journal of Natural Medicines 2019, 73 (3), 608-613.

Takeshi Nakayama TRIOS researchmap
Associate Professor HP
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Taxonomy of protists (especially microalgae and flagellates)
- Evaluation of protistan diversity in ponds
- Searching useful protists
Selected Publications:
- “Taxonomic study of a new eustigmatophycean alga, Vacuoliviride crystalliferum gen. et sp. nov.”, Journal of Plant Research 2014, 128 (2), 249-257.
- “Phylogeny and ultrastructure of Nephroselmis and Pseudoscourfieldia (Chlorophyta), including the description of Nephroselmis anterostigmatica sp. nov. and a proposal for the Nephroselmidales ord. nov”, Phycologia 2007, 46 (6), 680-697.
- “The Basal Position of Scaly Green Flagellates among the Green Algae (Chlorophyta) is Revealed by Analyses of Nuclear-Encoded SSU rRNA Sequences”, Protist 1998, 149 (4), 367-380.

Zhongfang Lei iD TRIOS researchmap
Associate Professor
University of Tsukuba Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- High-strength organics/nitrogen/phosphorus wastewater treatment and resources recovery
- Reclamation of organic solid waste
- Heavy metals removal and immobilization
- “Hydrothermal treatment as pre- and post-treatment of anaerobic digestion of primary sludge: Focus on energy balance, resources transformation and sludge dewaterability.”, Applied Energy 2019, 239, 171-180.
- “Enhanced hydrolysis and acidification of cellulose at high loading for methane production via anaerobic digestion supplemented with high mobility nanobubble water.”, Bioresource Technology 2020, 297, 122499.
- “Identification of inorganic and organic species of phosphorus and its bio-availability in nitrifying aerobic granular sludge.”, Water Research 2015, 68, 423-431.

Hirofumi Hara iD
Project Professor HP
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,
The University of Tokyo
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Investigation of microbial diversity in the various environments of tropical area
- Characterization and application of tropical microorganisms for the conversion of unutilized biomass
- Bioremediation of environmental pollutants in tropical area by regional microbes

Selected Publications:
- “Microbial Diversity in Decaying Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB) and Isolation of Lignin-degrading Bacteria from a Tropical Environment”, Microbes and Environments 2019, 34 (2), 161-168.
- “Whole gene transcriptomic analysis of PCB/biphenyl degrading Rhodococcus jostii RHA1″, The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 2019, 65 (4), 173-179.
- “Depolymerization of lignocellulose of oil palm empty fruit bunch by thermophilic microorganisms from tropical climate”, Bioresource Technology 2019, 279, 174-180.

Hirotaka Matsuo researchmap
Head HP
Research Center for Medicinal Plant Resources, NIBIOHN
Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- The study of application for domestic plant resources
- The search for novel anti-cancer drugs targeting epithelial-mesenchymal transition
- The study of application for unutilized plant resources
Selected Publications:
- “Screening for sulfur compounds by molybdenum-catalyzed oxidation combined with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.” Molecules 2020, 25(2), 240.
- “Nanaomycin K, a new epithelial-mesenchymal transition inhibitor, produced by actinomycete strain “Streptomyces rosa subsp. notensis” OS-3966.”, J. Biosci. Bioeng. 2020, 70 (1), 291-295.
- “Thioporidiols A and B: Anti-fungal sulfur compounds discovered by molybdenum-catalyzed oxidation screening from Trichoderma polypori FKI-7382.”, Antibiotics 2020, 9, 236.

Ryo Miyazaki iD researchmap
Group Leader HP
Bioproduction Research Institute, AIST
Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors
University of Tsukuba
- Dynamics of phenotypic heterogeneity in microbial populations
- Mechanisms underlying the development of microbiome and symbiosis
- Bioengineering of microbial functions

Selected Publications:
- “Vast Differences in Strain-Level Diversity in the Gut Microbiota of Two Closely Related Honey Bee Species”, Current Biology 2020, 30(13), Pages 2520-2531.e7.
- “Deep Sequencing Uncovers Caste-Associated Diversity of Symbionts in the Social Ant Camponotus japonicus”, mBio 2020, 11(2), 10.1128.
- “A novel system of bacterial cell division arrest implicated in horizontal transmission of an integrative and conjugative element”, PLOS GENETICS 2019, 15(10), e1008445.

Shinya Takahashi iD TRIOS researchmap
Course Coordinator of T-LSI (Food Innovation Course)
Associate Professor, Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Research field: Physiological analysis on plant-delivered functional compounds
- Utilization of a plant growth regulator to increase the productivity of functional compounds
- Studies on anti-inflammatory action of ingredients derived from natural products
- Studies on bioactivity of plant-derived components using mammalian cultured cells
Selected Publications:
- “Effect of prohydrojasmon on total phenolic content, anthocyanin accumulation and antioxidant activity in komatsuna and lettuce”, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 2020, 84(1)176-184.
- “Human Amniotic Epithelial Cells as a Tool to Investigate the Effects of Cyanidin 3-O-Glucoside on Cell Differentiation ;, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021, 22, 3768.
- “Ethanol Extract of Aurantiochytrium mangrovei 18W-13a Strain Possesses Anti-inflammatory Effects on Murine Macrophage RAW264 Cells”, Frontiers in Physiology 2018, 9, 1205.
Biomolecular Engineering Course

Sosaku Ichikawa iD TRIOS researchmap
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Development and characterization of emulsion-based carrier systems
- Development and characterization of liposome-based carrier systems
- Development of new nano-/micro- carrier systems for efficient delivery of bioactive

Selected Publications:
- “Freeze-dryable lipid vesicles with size tunability and high encapsulation efficiency prepared by the multiple emulsification-solvent evaporation method”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2017, 159, 412-418.
- “Mixing characterization of liquid contents in human gastric digestion simulator equipped with gastric secretion and emptying”, Biochemical Engineering Journal 2017, 122, 85-90.
- “Development and Fundamental Characteristics of a Human Gastric Digestion Simulator for Analysis of Food Disintegration”, Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ 2017, 51 (1), 17-25.

Tsunenori Kameda iD researchmap
Group Leader HP
Silk Materials Research Group,
Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NARO
Professor , School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Fundamental research on relation between the structure and properties of silk proteins
- Development of various fabrication processes for formation of innovative silk materials with different characteristics
- Commercialize the various unutilized silk produced by insects other than silkworm as new material.

Selected Publications:
- “A study of the extraordinarily strong and tough silk produced by bagworms”, Nature Communications 2019, 10 (1), 1469.
- “Transdermal delivery of 40-nm silk fibroin nanoparticles”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2019, 175, 564-568.
- “Genome Editing Advances the Structural Study of Silk”, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2018, 4 (3), 832-835.

Shinji Sugiura iD researchmap
Chief Senior Researcher HP
Drug Assay Device Research Group,
Biotechnology Research Institute for Drug Discovery, AIST
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Organs-on-a-chip for drug discovery
- Engineering the micro-scale cell culture environment
- Micro-scale cell process engineering with functional materials

Selected Publications:
- “A multi-throughput multi-organ-on-a-chip system on a plate formatted pneumatic pressure-driven medium circulation platform”, Lab on a Chip 2018, 18 (1), 115-125.
- “Morphology-based optical separation of subpopulations from a heterogeneous murine breast cancer cell line”, PLOS ONE 2017, 12 (6), e0179372.
- “Click-crosslinkable and photodegradable gelatin hydrogels for cytocompatible optical cell manipulation in natural environment”, Scientific Reports 2015, 5 (1), 15060.

Kimio Sumaru iD researchmap
Group Leader HP
Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute,
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Bio-application of Photo-responsive Functional Polymer Materials
- Cell Culture systems to Bring out Physiological Functions
- On-plate Cell Manipulation Technolog

Selected Publications:
- “Photolithographic Fabrication of Semi 3-D Microstructures Composed of Flexible Hydrogel Sheet for in Vivo-like Cell Culture System”, ACS Applied Bio Materials 2019, 2 (10), 4129-4133.
- “Automated Adherent Cell Elimination by a High-Speed 1 Laser Mediated by a Light-Responsive Polymer”, Communications Biology 2018, 1-218, 1-9.
- “Photoresponsive Aqueous Dissolution of Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) Functionalized with o-Nitrobenzaldehyde through Phase Transition”, Biomacromolecules 2018, 19, 2913-2922.

Yuji Teramura iD researchmap
Chief Senior Researcher HP
Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute(CMB),
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Biomaterials for cell and organ transplantation
- Polymer materials for cell and endothelium modification
- Materials for manipulation of cells and exosomes in vitro and in vivo

Selected Publications:
- “Cell Surface Functionalization with Heparin-Conjugated Lipid to Suppress Blood Activation”, Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 31, 2008167.
- “Potential of Cell Surface Engineering with Biocompatible Polymers for Biomedical Applications”, Langmuir 2020, 36, 41, 12088–12106.
- “Current status of ischemic stroke treatment: From thrombolysis to potential regenerative medicine”, Regenerative Therapy 2021, 18, 408-417.

Hidetoshi Teramoto iD researchmap
Deputy Leader HP
Silk Materials Research Group,
Division of Silk-Producing Insect Biotechnology, Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NARO
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Genetic code expansion of silkworm
- Development and application of silk materials incorporated with synthetic amino acids
- Application of high molecular weight silk sericin

Selected Publications:
- “Characterization and Scaled-Up Production of Azido-Functionalized Silk Fiber Produced by Transgenic Silkworms with an Expanded Genetic Code”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019, 20 (3), 616.
- “Genetic Code Expansion of the Silkworm Bombyx mori to Functionalize Silk Fiber”, ACS Synthetic Biology 2018, 7 (3), 801-806.
- “Azide-Incorporated Clickable Silk Fibroin Materials with the Ability to Photopattern”, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2016, 2 (2), 251-258.

Shuichiro Tomita iD researchmap
Leader HP
New Silk Research Unit,
Division of Biotechnology, Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NARO
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Evolution and development of insect appendages
- Physiology of post embryonic development of insect
- Molecular mechanisms of appendage regeneration

Selected Publications:
- “BHR4 nuclear receptor coordinates the timing of pupal ecdysis through ecdysteroid biosynthesis in Bombyx mori”, Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology 2012, 81 (2-3), 45-53.
- “Exploring the molecular phylogeny of phasmids with whole mitochondrial genome sequences”, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2011, 58 (1), 43-52.
- “Abd-B suppresses lepidopteran proleg development in posterior abdomen”, Developmental Biology 2009, 328 (2), 403-409.

Shunsuke Tomita iD researchmap
Chief Senior Researcher HP
Nano-biodevice Research Group,
Health and Medical Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Development of bioanalytical techniques termed ‘chemical tongue,’ integrating fluorescent molecular arrays and machine learning.
- Exploration of potential applications for the chemical tongue, targeting various bioanalytes.
- Elucidation of the mechanisms of liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) driven by biopolymers.

Selected Publications:
- “Polymer-based chemical-nose systems for optical-pattern recognition of gut microbiota”, Chemical Science 2022, 13, 5830-5837.
- “A polymer-based chemical tongue for the non-invasive monitoring of osteogenic stem-cell differentiation by pattern recognition of serum-supplemented spent media”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2022, 58, 11083-11086.
- “Quadruplex folding of DNA promotes the condensation of linker histones via liquid-liquid phase separation”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143, 9849-9857.

Hidehiko Hirakawa iD TRIOS researchmap
Course Coordinator of T-LSI (Biomolecular Engineering Course)
Associate Professor HP
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences,
University of Tsukuba
- Selective protein assembly
- Engineering of cytochrome P450
- Enzyme immobilization

Selected Publications:
- “Immobilization of a Bacterial Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase System on a Solid Support”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55 (48), 15002-15006.
- “Supramolecular protein assembly supports immobilization of a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system as water-insoluble gel”, Sci. Rep. 2015, 5 (1), 8648.
- “Ca 2+ -independent sortase-A exhibits high selective protein ligation activity in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli ”, Biotechnol. J. 2015, 10 (9), 1487-1492.
Disease Mechanism Course

Masashi Yanagisawa iD TRIOS researchmap
Director and Professor HP
International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine, University of Tsukuba
- Large-scale, forward genetic screening of genes responsible for sleep/wake regulation in mice
- Discovery and medicinal chemistry of novel drugs for sleep disorders
- Visualizing and manipulating the activity of neurons involved in sleep/wake regulation

Selected Publications:
- “Quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis of the molecular substrates of sleep need”, Nature 2018, 558 (7710), 435-439.
- “Nonpeptide orexin type-2 receptor agonist ameliorates narcolepsy-cataplexy symptoms in mouse models”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2017, 114 (22), 5731-5736.
- “Forward-genetics analysis of sleep in randomly mutagenized mice”, Nature 2016, 539 (7629), 378-383.

Shinji Saiki iD TRIOS researchmap
Professor HP
Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
- Development of diagnostic biomarkers for prodromal Parkinson’s disease
- Development of oral drugs for preemptive treatment of Parkinson’s disease
- Clarifying the significance of autophagy in aging
Selected Publications:
- “Systemic Metabolic Alteration Dependent on the Thyroid-Liver Axis in Early PD”, Annals of Neurology 2022, 93;2, 303-316pp.
- “Oxidative stress-induced phosphorylation of JIP4 regulates lysosomal positioning in coordination with TRPML1 and ALG2”, The EMBO Journal 2022, 41(22):e111476.
- “A metabolic profile of polyamines in parkinson disease: A promising biomarker”, Annals of Neurology 2019, 86:2, 251-263pp.

Yasuyuki KidaiD researchmap
Group leader HP Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute
Stem Cell Biotechnology Research Group
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors
University of Tsukuba
- Developing technology for the reconstruction of in vitro organ networks using human pluripotent stem cells.
- Elucidation of the metabolism mechanisms of cancer to overcome the intractability of solid tumours.
- Development of pivotal technologies for disease research and the discovery of medicines using stem cells.

Selected Publications:
- “Selective Induction of Human Autonomic Neurons Enables Precise Control of Cardiomyocyte Beating”, Scientific Reports 2020, 10, 9464.
- “Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into heterogeneous cancer-associated fibroblasts in a stroma-rich xenograft model”, Scientific Reports 2021, 11, 4690.
- “Fabrication of Perfusable Vascular Channels and Capillaries in 3D Liver-like Tissue”, Scientific Reports 2020, 10, 5646.

Atsushi KunoiD researchmap
Research Group leader HP Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute
Molecular &Cellular Glycoproteomics Research Group
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors
University of Tsukuba
- Glyco-biomarker/glyco-target R&D
- Glyco-DB construction including LM-GlycomeAtlas
- System development for full-automatic glycan profiling

Selected Publications:
- “Discovery of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma-related aberrant glycosylations: a multilateral approach of lectin microarray-based tissue glycomic profiling with public transcriptomic datasets”, Frontiers in Oncology 2020, 10, 338.
- “LM-GlycomeAtlas Ver. 2.0: An integrated visualization for lectin microarray-based mouse tissue glycome mapping data with lectin histochemistry”, J Proteome Res 2021, 20, 2069-2075.
- “Lectin bead array in a single tip facilitates fully automatic glycoprotein profiling”, Scientific Reports 2019, 191 11162-11169.

Yoshihiro Miwa iD researchmap
Organizer HP
Gene Engineering Division, RIKEN BioResource Research Center
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors, University of Tsukuba
Research field: Bioimaging, Gene Bank- Non-invasive NIR live imaging of disease model mice
- Analyses of fibrosis and 3D tissue formation by collagen live imaging

Selected Publications:
- “A Novel iRFP-Incorporated in vivo Murine Atherosclerosis Imaging System”, Scientific Reports 2018, 8, 14515.
- “Fluorescence and Bioluminescence Imaging of Angiogenesis in Flk1-Nano-lantern Transgenic Mice”, Scientific Reports 2017, 46597.
- “In Vivo image Analysis Using iRFP Transgenic Mice”, Experimental Animals 2014, 63(3), 311-319.

Yasuhiro Yasutomi researchmap
Director HP
Tsukuba Primate Research Center, NIBIOHN
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Disease control by immunoregulation
- Control regulation of pathological condition in infectious disease
Selected Publications:
- “SOCS1 Antagonist–Expressing Recombinant Bacillus Calmette–Guérin Enhances Antituberculosis Protection in a Mouse Model”, The Journal of Immunology 2019, ji1800694.
- “Dynein Dysfunction Reproduces Age-Dependent Retromer Deficiency”, The American Journal of Pathology 2016, 186 (7), 1952-1966.
- “Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 DNA Administration Inhibits Inflammatory and Pathogenic Responses in Autoimmune Myocarditis”, The Journal of Immunology 2012, 189 (4), 2043-2053.

Atsushi Yoshiki iD researchmap
Head HP
Experimental Animal Division, RIKEN BRC
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Collection, preservation, quality-control and distribution of mouse resources
- Research and development for quality control of mouse resources
- Development of novel tools for gene functions and mouse models for human diseases

Selected Publications:
- “Off- and on-target effects of genome editing in mouse embryos”, Journal of Reproduction and Development 2019, 65 (1), 1-5.
- “Characterization of novel dystonia musculorum mutant mice: Implications for central nervous system abnormality”, Neurobiology of Disease 2016, 96, 271-283.
- “High-throughput discovery of novel developmental phenotypes”, Nature 2016, 537, 508–514.

Haruka Ozaki iD TRIOS researchmap
Associate Professor HP
Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
- Predication of functions pf genomic sequences and cells
- Automation of life science research
- Medical data analysis

Selected Publications:
- “Single-cell full-length total RNA sequencing uncovers dynamics of recursive splicing and enhancer RNAs”, Nature Communications 2018, 9, 619.
- “SAGAS: Simulated annealing and greedy algorithm scheduler for laboratory automation”, SLAS Technology 2023, 19:34.
- “Cell-to-cell interaction analysis of prognostic ligand-receptor pairs in human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma”, Biochem Biophys Rep. 2021, 28:101126.

Kazuko Tajiri iD researchmap
Chief HP
Department of Cardiology
National Cancer Center Hospital East
Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors
University of Tsukuba
- cardiovascular medicine
- cardio-oncology
- onco-cardiology
Selected Publications:
- “Immune checkpoint inhibitor-related myositis overlapping with myocarditis: An institutional case series and a systematic review of literature.”, Frontiers in Pharmacology 2022, 13,884776.
- “Risk Factors and In-Hospital Outcomes of Perioperative Atrial Fibrillation for Patients with Cancer: A Meta-Analysis.”, Annals of Surgical Oncology 2022
- “Atherosclerotic cardiovascular events associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors in cancer patients.”, Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2022, 52, 651-656.

Dong-Zhu Xu iD TRIOS researchmap
Course Coordinator of T-LSI (Disease Mechanism Course)
Associate Professor
Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
- Arrhythmia
- Heart Failure
Selected Publications:
- “Concomitant SK current activation and sodium current inhibition cause J wave syndrome”, JCI Insight 2018, 3 (22), e122329.
- “Phospholamban regulates nuclear Ca2+ stores and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate mediated nuclear Ca2+ cycling in cardiomyocytes”, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 2018, 123, 185-197.
- “Predicting atrial fibrillation: can we shape the future?”, European Heart Journal 2014, 36 (3), 145-147.
Drug Discovery Course

Sosaku Ichikawa iD TRIOS researchmap
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Development and characterization of emulsion-based carrier systems
- Development and characterization of liposome-based carrier systems
- Development of new nano-/micro- carrier systems for efficient delivery of bioactive

Selected Publications:
- “Freeze-dryable lipid vesicles with size tunability and high encapsulation efficiency prepared by the multiple emulsification-solvent evaporation method”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2017, 159, 412-418.
- “Mixing characterization of liquid contents in human gastric digestion simulator equipped with gastric secretion and emptying”, Biochemical Engineering Journal 2017, 122, 85-90.
- “Development and Fundamental Characteristics of a Human Gastric Digestion Simulator for Analysis of Food Disintegration”, Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ 2017, 51 (1), 17-25.

Hiroko Isoda iD TRIOS researchmap
Professor HP
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Search for pharmacologically unique principles from existing indigenous remedies
- Study on pharmacological mechanisms of action
Selected Publications:
- “3,4,5-Tricaffeoylquinic acid induces adult neurogenesis and improves deficit of learning and memory in aging model senescence-accelerated prone 8 mice”, Aging 2019, 11 (2), 401-422.
- “Anti-inflammatory marine cyclic peptide stylissatin A and its derivatives inhibit differentiation of murine preadipocytes”, Chemical Communications 2019, 55 (38), 5471-5474.
- “Evaluation of maslinic acid with whole-body vibration training in elderly women with knee osteoarthritis”, PLOS ONE 2018, 13 (3), e0194572.

Tsuyoshi Saitoh iD TRIOS researchmap
Associate Professor
Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
Principal Investigator HP
International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (IIIS), University of Tsukuba
- Medicinal chemistry targeting sleep/wake cycle and emotional behaviors.
- Evaluation and mechanistic elucidation of originally-developed drugs using cells and mice.
- Molecular design using computer simulation.

- “Optochemical control of slow-wave sleep in the nucleus accumbens of male mice by a photoactivatable allosteric modulator of adenosine A2A receptors”, Nature Communications 2024, 15:3661.
- “Design and Synthesis of Orexin 1 Receptor-Selective Agonists”, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023, 66(8), 5453–5464pp.
- “Discovery of novel orexin receptor antagonists using a 1,3,5-trioxazatriquinane bearing multiple effective residues (TriMER) library”, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2022 , 240, 114505.

Tetsuya Sakurai iD TRIOS researchmap
Director HP
Center for Artificial Intelligence Research, University of Tsukuba
Professor, Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba
Research field: Computational Algorithms- Mathematical methods for data analysis
- High performance algorithms on large-scale scientific simulations
- Eigenvalue analysis

Selected Publications:
- “Distributed collaborative feature selection based on intermediate representation”, Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19) 2019, accepted.
- “Complex moment-based supervised eigenmap for dimensionality reduction”, Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19) 2019, accepted.
- “Spectral feature scaling method for supervised dimensionality reduction”, Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) 2018, 2560-2566.

Takashi Arimura iD researchmap
Invited Research Scholar
AIST・Univ. of Tsukuba Open Innovation Laboratory for Food and Medical Resource Engineering, AIST
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Functionalization and development of plant resources
- Creation of allosteric systems in response to external stimuli
- Molecular Robotics: Gellular particles that self-assemble and communicate with one another, realizing cellular automata

Selected Publications:
- “Synthesis of 2-(2-Hydroxyethoxy)-3-hydroxysqualene and Characterization of Its Anti-Inflammatory Effects”, BioMed Research International 2020, 2020, 9584567.
- “Electrochemically Switchable Molecular-Tweezers”, Journal of Oleo Science 2017, 66 (4), 419-423.
- “A Belousov–Zhabotinsky Oscillator Driven by a Water‐Soluble Metalloporphyrin”, Chemistry Select 2016, 1 (4), 877-878.

Noriki Kutsumura iD TRIOS researchmap
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences (Chemistry), University of Tsukuba
Research field: Organic Synthetic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry
- Design and synthesis of orexin receptor ligands regulating sleep/wakefulness
- Synthesis of biologically active nitrogen-containing heterocycles
- Studies on chemoselective reaction useful for drug discovery
Selected Publications:
- “Total Syntheses of 3-epi-Litsenolide D2 and Lincomolide A”, J. Org. Chem. 2018, 83 (18), 11450-11457.
- “Favorskii-Type Rearrangement of the 4,5-Epoxymorphinan Skeleton”, Org. Lett. 2018, 20 (6), 1559-1562.
- “Design and Synthesis of Non-Peptide, Selective Orexin Receptor 2 Agonists”, J. Med. Chem. 2015, 58 (20), 7931-7937.

Shinji Sugiura iD researchmap
Deputy Laboratory Leader HP
AIST-INDIA DAILAB (Diverse Assets & Applications International Laboratory),
Biotechnology Research Institute for Drug Discovery, AIST
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Organs-on-a-chip for drug discovery
- Engineering the micro-scale cell culture environment
- Micro-scale cell process engineering with functional materials

Selected Publications:
- “A multi-throughput multi-organ-on-a-chip system on a plate formatted pneumatic pressure-driven medium circulation platform”, Lab on a Chip 2018, 18 (1), 115-125.
- “Morphology-based optical separation of subpopulations from a heterogeneous murine breast cancer cell line”, PLOS ONE 2017, 12 (6), e0179372.
- “Click-crosslinkable and photodegradable gelatin hydrogels for cytocompatible optical cell manipulation in natural environment”, Scientific Reports 2015, 5 (1), 15060.

Kimio Sumaru iD researchmap
Group Leader HP
Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute,
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Bio-application of Photo-responsive Functional Polymer Materials
- Cell Culture systems to Bring out Physiological Functions
- On-plate Cell Manipulation Technolog

Selected Publications:
- “Photolithographic Fabrication of Semi 3-D Microstructures Composed of Flexible Hydrogel Sheet for in Vivo-like Cell Culture System”, ACS Applied Bio Materials 2019, 2 (10), 4129-4133.
- “Automated Adherent Cell Elimination by a High-Speed 1 Laser Mediated by a Light-Responsive Polymer”, Communications Biology 2018, 1-218, 1-9.
- “Photoresponsive Aqueous Dissolution of Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) Functionalized with o-Nitrobenzaldehyde through Phase Transition”, Biomacromolecules 2018, 19, 2913-2922.

Kenji Tabata
Senior Vice President HP
Applied Research & Operations. Discovery Intelligence.
Astellas Pharma Inc.
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
Selected Publications:
- “Application of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for the prediction of mirabegron plasma concentrations in a population with severe renal impairment.” Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition. 2019, 40, 176-187.
- “Quantitative LC/ESI-SRM/MS of antibody biopharmaceuticals: use of a homologous antibody as an internal standard and three-step method development.” Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2017, 409, 5523-5532.
- “Recent progress in hepatocyte culture models and their application to the assessment of drug metabolism, transport, and toxicity in drug discovery: The value of tissue engineering for the successful development of a microphysiological system.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2017, 106, 2302-2311.

Ken-ichi Tominaga iD researchmap
Deputy Director
Laboratory for Food and Medicinal Resource Engineering (FoodMed-OIL), AIST
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Catalytic conversion of biomass to useful chemicals
- Catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide to useful chemicals
- Heterogenization of homogeneous catalyst
Selected Publications:
- “Isorhamnetin Alleviates Steatosis and Fibrosis in Mice with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis”, Sci Rep 2019, 9, 16210.
- “Mixed-acid systems for the catalytic synthesis of methyl levulinate from cellulose”, Green Chemistry 2011, 13, 810-812.
- “An environmentally friendly hydroformylation using carbon dioxide as a reactant catalyzed by immobilized Ru-complex in ionic liquids”, Catalysis Today 2006, 115 (1-4), 70-72.

Makoto Miyagishi iD researchmap
Group Leader HP
Molecular Composite Physiology Research Group,
Health and Medical Research Institute, AIST
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Development of selection method for obtaining nucleic acid aptamer
- Nucleic acid enzymes (Ribozyme and DNAzyme)
- Fundamental Research on the development of nucleic acid drug
Selected Publications:
- “Identification of XBP1-u as a novel regulator of the MDM2/p53 axis using an shRNA library”, Science Advances 2017, 3 (10), e1701383.
- “Transcription Factor YY1 Contributes to Tumor Growth by Stabilizing Hypoxia Factor HIF-1 in a p53-Independent Manner”, Cancer Research 2013, 73 (6), 1787-1799.
- “Determination of the Role of DDX3 a Factor Involved in Mammalian RNAi Pathway Using an shRNA-Expression Library”, PLoS ONE 2013, 8 (3), e59445.

Toru YoshitomiiD
Principle Researcher HP
Tissue Regeneration Materials Group, Research Center for Macromolecules and Biomaterials, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Biomaterials for medical application
- Biomaterials for cell biology
Selected Publications:
- “Singlet oxygen-generating cell-adhesive glass surfaces for the fundamental investigation of plasma membrane-targeted photodynamic therapy”, Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2023, 207, 239-246.
- “Formation of Spherical Palmelloid Colony with Enhanced Lipid Accumulation by Gel Encapsulation of Chlamydomonas debaryana NIES-2212”, Plant Cell Physiol 2020, 1;61(1):158-168..
- “The ROS scavenging and renal protective effects of pH-responsive nitroxide radical-containing nanoparticles”, Biomaterials 2011, 32, 31, 8021-8028.

Kounosuke Oisaki iD researchmap
Senior Researcher HP
Interdisciplinary Research Center for Catalytic Chemistry (IRC3),
Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Catalytic methodologiesfor complex organic molecule syntheses
- Biocompatible transformations for peptides, proteins and hybrid substances
- Medicinal chemistry of small molecules and chemically modified biologics

Selected Publications:
- “Development of Highly Chemoselective Oxidative Transformations by Designing Organoradicals”, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2018, 66(10), 907-919.
- “Protein Modification at Tyrosine with Iminoxyl Radicals”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143(47), 19844–19855.
- “Induction of ADCC by a folic acid–mAb conjugate prepared by tryptophan-selective reaction toward folate-receptor-positive cancer cells”, RSC Advancess 2022, 54.

Naohiro NodaiD
Group Leader HP
Bio-analytical Research Group, Biomedical Research Institute, AIST
Associate Professor, School of Integrative and Global Majors,
University of Tsukuba
- Development of biomolecule analytical technique
- Control and analysis of environmental microorganisms
- Standardization of biotechnology
Selected Publications:
- “Fluorescent nucleic acid probe in droplets for bacterial sorting (FNAP-sort) as a high-throughput screening method for environmental bacteria with various growth rates”, PLOS ONE 2019, 14 (4), e0214533.
- “Bacterial Cell Culture at the Single-cell Level Inside Giant Vesicles”, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2019, 146, e59555.
- “Absolute Quantification of RNA Molecules Using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy with Certified Reference Materials”, Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90 (18), 10865-10871.

Yusaku Miyamae iD TRIOS researchmap
Course Coordinator of T-LSI (Drug Discovery Course)
Associate Professor HP
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Small molecule control for cellular protein stability and function
- Medicinal chemistry research for nuclear receptor ligands
- Chemical Biology on Natural Products

Selected Publications:
- “A method for conditional regulation of protein stability in native or near-native form”, Cell Chemical Biology 2020, 27, 1-9.
- “A strategy for orthogonal deubiquitination using a bump-and-hole aproach”, RSC Chemical Biology 2023, 4, 879-883.
- “Ubiquitin-Derived Fragment as a Peptide Linker for the Efficient Cleavage of a Target Protein from a Degron”, ACS Chemical Biology 2024, 19, 497-505.